In today’s dynamic economy, data is king. Making critical business decisions quickly and accurately is essential for business success. But with information scattered across spreadsheets, gaining valuable insights can feel like an uphill battle. And that’s where Power BI and Fabric comes in the picture.
Microsoft is the preferred partner of Sparkle and since we are the Microsoft Partner of the year 2 times in a row in Belgium, we are delighted to share that we have the chance to give free workshops where you will learn the ins & outs of Power BI or Fabric. These workshops are scheduled on a monthly basis.
We organizing this workshops in English and in Dutch.
Upcoming workshop
Attend one of the "Dashboard in a Day" or "Fabric Analyst in a Day" workshops
Whether you’re evaluating Power BI for your organization’s data visualization and analysis needs, or if you want to improve your efficiency and make a bigger impact on your daily work working with Power BI, this workshop is designed for you.
It will be an informative session that will equip you at the end of the day with the knowledge and skills to analyze your data in an impactful way.
The Fabric workshops are an intermediate-level training designed for Power BI Data Analysts with experience on Power BI, but new to Microsoft Fabric.
The goal of this informational session is to help you understand how to consolidate your data into a single source of truth where you can analyze your data and generate meaningful insights. Data Analysts will go through the end-to-end analytics solution from ingesting data to building reports with automatic refresh.
Microsoft is proud to partner with Sparkle to deliver this valuable workshops. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your data analysis skills to the next level. Participation is free of charge, but spaces are limited. So register fast!
- Registreer hier voor de Nederlandstalige Dashboard in a Day – Power BI sessie van vrijdag 20 september 2024.